
The Geological Museum at Øster Voldgade will be the main venue of the meeting
The Geological Museum at Øster Voldgade will be the main venue of the meeting

The main venue for the technical sessions and social events will be the Geological Museum. This building houses both parts of the GLOBE Institute, as well as parts of the Natural History Museum of Denmark. The museum is further a  partner institution of the Geocenter Denmark network, which also includes GEUS and the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management. All are situated within a few hundred meters of one another on Øster Voldgade in the center of Copenhagen.

Technical sessions will be organized in the main auditorium at the Geological Museum, which is situated in the corner of the Botanical Gardens. Poster sessions will be held in an adjacent room to the auditorium, and there will be full access to the museum galleries for the meeting delegates. These galleries include exhibits on meteorites, classic mineral systematics, as well as a brand-new exhibition on the T-rex Tristan-Otto – one of only two full T-rex skeletons in Europe.